Back to reality: asking random people about feminism


The idea is simple, ask 250 random people from a chatting website their opinion of feminism. In particular, the question was “What do you think of feminism?”.

We ask the question and leave two random strangers to discuss about it (without any possibility of intervention from our side).

The results are of course overwhelmingly bad:

  • In 49 discussions the two strangers happily agreed about how much they hate feminism
  • In 45 discussions one of the persons kept attacking feminism (the other one either disconnected, or went into defense/attack mode)
  • In 13 discussions no real answer came out of the question (people didn’t know what feminism is, couldn’t answer the question, or disconnected when they realized that they were both males)
  • In 9 discussions the two persons agreed that feminism is something nice (yay)

Bonus unexpected(?) answers included (too) many islamophobic reactions and of course an anti-Semitic delirium/conspiracy theory:


This is of course not really a statistical way to make conclusions about the society we are living in.

The sample was 250 from around 20,000 to 35,000 (i.e., the constantly changing number of people who were online in the website) during different times of the same day.

TRIGGER WARNING: before checking the post, be aware that the dialogs in the pictures bellow are full of extremely sexist/racist/homophobic/etc. comments.

Homophobic wireless networks?

When I left for germany I said well at least It will be better in terms of homophobia. I guess germany can’t even get close to the “glory” of greece, but it is quite shitty too.

Anyway, new neighbor’s wireless shouting I am homophobic and I want everyone to know (along with other stupid ones like suckit, (O)(O), etc)!

Seriously, why name your wireless HA! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!?!


Removing clothing (ink) security tags (without ruining the cloth)

Before I begin, YES this is not hacking, with the cyber-security definition, but its definitely  fun :)

And no this is neither a method for stealing clothes, since 1. it is considered illegal 2. the fumes would probably trigger the fire alarm 3. someone could smell this and turn you in.

So, I don’t know about you, but it happened to me. Bought a nice trouser, returned back home and DAMN they forgot to remove the security tag! No idea by the way why it didn’t trigger the alarm. Anyway, I was too bored to go back and remove it, so I started searching for ways to remove it. This is how I managed to do it!

Tools: a lighter and something sharp (knife,key,etc.)


We start be going somewhere outside, or with enough air ventilation. Then we start to burn the security tag by targeting its center, where the “Warning, blah” is. At the same time we start removing the melted plastic with our sharp thing. After a while the situation should look as follows:


This metal thing is our target now. We continue burning this metal thing’s perimeter and remove plastic with our knife. After a while the metal thing will pop out along with some springs and small metal balls. At this point, we are done. The security tag is now unlocked and can be easily removed!